{% comment %}
Define the number of columns you want to display the collections in
{% endcomment %}
{% assign num_columns = 2 %}
{% comment %}
Define the collections to display in each column
{% endcomment %}
{% assign collections_per_column = collections.size | divided_by: num_columns %}
{% assign column_1_collections = collections | where: "handle", "flower-stems" | first %}
{% assign column_2_collections = collections | where: "handle", "flower-bunches" | first %}
{% comment %}
Loop through each column and display the collections within it
{% endcomment %}
{% for i in (1..num_columns) %}
{% if i == 1 %}
{% assign current_column_collections = column_1_collections %}
{% else %}
{% assign current_column_collections = column_2_collections %}
{% endif %}
{% for collection in current_column_collections %}
{{ collection.title }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}